Wednesday, May 28, 2014

My First Review: Divergent Book

Review #1: Divergent Book

Divergent by Veronica Roth is a young adult, dystopian novel that features a post-apoctalyptic version of Chicago. 

Divergent follows Beatrice "Tris" Prior as she explores her true identity in a world divided into 5 factions (Erudite, Abnegation, Candor, Amity, and Dauntless). The book also has a romantic subplot about Beatrice and her trainer, Tobias "Four" Eaton. 

I loved reading Divergent, it was very exciting and I enjoyed how Veronica Roth added friction between Beatrice's and Tobias' love. I'm honestly sick of books where the girl gets the guy so easily. Unlike most books I read, I was not sure of the outcome between Beatrice and Tobias: Would they stay together? & Would Beatrice make it in the Dauntless initiation? 
This book is AMAZING! The story wants to make you read more and more and more and more, until you've 
r e a c h e d  t h e  l a s t  p a g e. 

Buy Divergent: 

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