Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Review: Total Drama World Tour (Season 3)

Review #10: Total Drama World Tour (Season 3) 
Total Drama World Tour
Total Drama World Tour was the third season of Total Drama, it was originally named Total Drama: The Musical. The winners were Alejandro (in Canada, Russia, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, Africa, Denmark, Sweden, and Hungary) and Heather (in Australia, USA, France, New Zealand, Latin America, Brazil, Norway, Serbia, Israel, Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Italy, UK, and Philippines). 

Total Drama World Tour was a great season! I especially loved the singing. My favorite character was Sierra, since she's crazy like me and obsesses over a guy (me: Teo Halm, Sierra: Cody). My least favorite was Blaineley, she was too obsessed with gossip and fame. I'm glad she got pushed out of the plane. :) The best episode in Total Drama World Tour was "Awwwwww, Drumheller", even though Sierra was voted off. 

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